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Hello, and welcome to my website. I am a Somatic Psychotherapist in Seattle, WA. I work with adults, adolescents, relationships/couples, and parents. 


I am here to help clients expand into their full selves, get in their bodies, access connection, face what is scary, separate past from present, grieve the very real losses and injustices of life, show who they are, overcome fear of conflict, set boundaries, communicate in a thoughtful and direct manner, regulate their own moods and emotions, live in their integrity, and more.


I work hard to see clients in their intersecting identities and experiences; this includes clients' unique selves, family histories, cultural identities, and experiences with power and privilege. I look for coping strategies that may or not be outdated, rather than pathology. I seek to listen well, to learn who you are, and collaborate with you to find what it is that you most need.  


I believe we can create a better world for everyone by working on the issues that limit us from living in our full capacity and integrity. I am committed to doing this same deep work on myself, and I am honored to support others on their journeys. I work well with people who feel like "outsiders" or have been told they are "sensitive", "a feeler" or "intense." I aim to bring both humility and passion to issues of racism, white-supremacy, colonialism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, classism, islamophobia, anti-semitism, and other forms of oppression.

Devon Haynes is a psychotherapist in Seattle, WA who specializes in trauma treatment, somatics, feminist relational therapy, abuse, neglect, and attachment issues. Devon sees clients through an anti-oppression lens, and identifies impacts of racism, white supremacy, colonialism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, sexism, class, anti-semitism, islamophobia, xenophobia, and migration status. Devon works with all sorts of people including trauma survivors, queers, LGBTQI folks, adoptees, sex workers, poly folks, kink, parents, people of all sizes, mixed race people, straight people, people of color, white people who are working towards de-centering whiteness, people with disabilities, social justice activists, artists, and people in service fields. Devon has a number of lower fee/sliding scale slots available for those who cannot afford a full fee.


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